China is the country on earth with the highest population and is the strongest nation on earth, by both size and strength of the army. The space fleet is strong, but China has no colony or associated state in space, since they lost their colonies to the Mars Confederation. EU is since a couple of decades a real state and took great pieces of Africa and expanded to Mars and currently holds big parts of Venus and a great amount of space station. The Mars colonies where lost due to a revolution later forming the Mars Confederation. The army is weak on earth, but the space fleet is able defeat every other country. USA are today a state reaching over the whole American continents. Their space program has problems at the moment, but the USA is still the country with a lot of money and many companies are allowed to have fleets, which give the USA a potentially very strong fleet. The army and police is weak, but companies took over security in big parts of the US. The country has great difficulties due to the waste gap between rich and poor. If the USA would have a strong leadership it could easily become the strongest power in the solarsystem. Japan is weak on earth but has the most advanced fleet and whealthy colonies all over the solar system. The technology of Japan is the most advanced in the whole solar system. Many observers speak about the former Japanese mainland as a colony of the fleet and the strong position on the moon and Mars. They may be the most advanced nation, but their colonies and fleet are small, making them vulnerable, if big fleets attack them. India has grown a lot and had to expand into space. The fleet is gigantic, but consists mainly of simple low tech spaceships. The government is nonetheless paying huge sums for new technology and their software is among the finest you can find. Mars Confederation has been formed after a revolution in the EU colony on Mars. Thou not the strongest nation it has a fleet able to defend itself. The wealth of the Mars Confederation comes from H3, which is found in great amounts at the equator of the Mars. Many programs of the well organzied governemnt try to make Mars independent from the technology and imports from earth. This is mainly done by slowly terraform Mars, which makes it reasonable to grow food on Mars. South Africa holds the south of Africa and is mainly controlled by blacks. It was formed after the racist BlackAfricanLeague gained power and kicked out every single white person. They have a strong army, but their space fleet is ill armed and small. Gas-Association holds a couple of stations and moon bases near Jupiter and Saturn. Their technology is well developed, but they face the danger of being annexed by the Japanese. They were mostly US stations before declaring their independence. SEA stands for Sea-Earth-Association and has a gigantic water fleet. They were formed by a couple of companies mostly Japanese ones trying to get away from taxes, but face strong opposition since Japan is trying to control their territory again and has build up a new fleet themselves.